
Peridot Jewelry by Offerings Jewelry

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Astrological Sign: Virgo, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio

Birthstone: August

Chakra: Heart and Solar Plexus

Properties of Peridot are thought to include:

  • Emits a warm and friendly energy
  • Encourages openness and acceptance with regard to relationships
  • Helps to regulate cycles in ones life – physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and life cycles
  • Help in the treatment of disorders of the heart, lungs , spleen and intestinal tract
  • May help lessen anger or jealousy by helping to inspire happiness within the self
  • Peridot has been known to be calming, relieving one from stress . 
  • It has been thought to be of great value in digestion of food, relieving constipation helping ulcerous & inflamed conditions of the bowel and restoring energy to the spleen

(Chrysolite and Olivine) 

Also known as Olivine or chrysolite, Peridot can be bottle green, or yellowish green.  The greener tends to be called Peridot, and Yellower type Chrysolite. 

Sourced from the Unites States, Brazil, Egypt, Ireland, Russia and Sri Lanka

Crystallizes in forms of masses, grains, and prismatic crystals, sometimes flattened. Colors include various shades of green; may even be found in red, yellow-brown, green to brown, and honey yellow. May help one in the understanding of Life's changes as they occur, and in recognition of the harmful patterns detrimental to growth.

Considered an excellent healing stone, Peridot may act as a tonic for strengthening and regenerating the body.  From early times through middle ages, Peridot was considered a symbol of the sun.  An early Greek manuscript on precious stones tells us that Peridot bestows royal dignity on ithe one who wears it.  It was known and worn to protect its owner from evil spirits as well as used for its very cleansing effects.  Also known as “The Stone of the Sun” it was used by Atlanteans, Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas & Toltecs as a calming purifying and balancing energy for the physical body.

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