Revitalize your Chakras with Gemstones and Color

For centuries people around the globe have been aware of the amazing energy network that runs through our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

The word Chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”, as well as “circle”, referring to rebirth, and “cycle”.  Chakras are described by many as spinning vortexes of light, where energy is received and released.  There are many chakras in the human body, however seven have been identified as major.  Like energy funnels rooted to the spine, they directly effect our life force and energy referred to as the flow of “Qi” or “Prana” or life force . These Chakras are a direct pipeline to the human neural network.

It is believed when we are first born our Chakras are bright and vibrant Rainbow colors. However, as we grow older the colors become duller.  Negative energy, trauma and loss in our lives leave toxic residues behind like sludge adhering to the chakras. The degree of color or change in the color of a chakra can indicate ones current physical, emotional, and spiritual state. When The Chakras lose the ability to vibrate at their optimum frequency, we are negatively impacted.  By clearing and resetting the Chakras, you can extract depletion or oversaturation and one can experience new potential as energy flows more freely and positively.

Many cultures have created different techniques to clear Chakras that are globally practiced today.  Yoga, Qigong, Mediation, Bon Tradition, Tai Chi, Acupuncture and many other energy healing modalities work positively with Chakras. The oldest tools used to help us humans, have been the natural stones of our earth! Have you been attracted to a certain stone or color? Most often they correlate with a Chakra and color that will help you at that moment in your life.  Color can provide you with insight of your emotions. What is your favorite color? Do you wear certain colors more often? Do you avoid certain colors?  Does your body feel different when you wear bright red versus a pale blue?

Many cultures believe that with the aid of colored Gemstones, the chakra can be “cleared” or “reset” and many of us recognize the connection between color and emotion.  Many studies have been done on how we are affected by color by exploring “color psychology” 

Each Chakra has their own unique frequency that we perceive as one of the seven colors of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet (or white)  The colors are fluid and constantly changing just as your emotions change. The chakra colors can be muddy, faded with very little color present, or even too saturated - too bright

The following are some common beliefs that correlate with the seven major chakras.  The properties of Gemstones are similiar to the corresponding colors.  We have listed the most popular stones that correspond with each Chakra.

 "Healing beliefs” and other properties noted are for information only and should not be used to replace medical advice or treatment.

Please inquire and click on the Chakra below for more information and if you would like any additional information on any stone or Chakra feel free to e-mail us!

7th Chakra- Crown Chakra

7th Chakra - Crown chakra – Wholeness - Located at the crown of the head or above the head, the Crown Chakra oversees spiritualism and wisdom. It puts one in touch with the experience of unconditional love, connectedness with the universe, while assisting with our inner wisdom and spiritual and universal Oneness. Physically this Chakra is thought to govern the Metabolism and pituitary gland, which secretes hormones to communicate to the rest of the endocrine system.

White and light stones- Opal, Tourmaline, Herkimer Diamond, Clear Quartz, White Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone, Diamond.

The following group of Stones are thought to open and balance all Chakras;  Clear Crystal, Amethyst, Blue Calcite, Fluorite, Kyanite, Malachite, Pearls, Jade

We invite you to explore the color and corresponding gemstones that may be best for you at this time in your life.  If you are not sure which Chakra to choose, a pendant with all the seven colors represented may add balance to your life.

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